[B-4] Digital Marketing Trends for South East Asia

Session Speaker List

  • Moderator

    Tomo Kubota

    Amplia corporation
    Founder & CEO

  • Dmitry Levit

    Digital Media Partners Investments Pte Ltd
    General Partner / Director

  • Hiroyuki Okamoto

    Withfluence, Inc.
    Co-Founder, CEO

  • Yuta Kikuchi

    Facebook Singapore
    Digital Marketing Lead, APAC Global Business Marketing

Session Summry

To compete with global players, it is important for Japanese corporate to expand/penetrate more into Asian market, because single Japanese market is no more attractive, however, Japan is recognized as a geostrategicaly “entrance” area to start a business in Asia(except China).

Japanese corporate is fully aware of this trend and have already tried to expand their business in this SEA market. However, reality is that most of their challenges are failed.

In this session, we will try to discuss why it happens and how we could solve this problem.

(1) Understanding of current trend of digital media/marketing space in SEA

(2) How we could get involved deeply into the SEA market?
– Importance of a collaboration with growth investors and startups

(3) Successful practice in SEA
– Facebook campaign case
– Influencer marketing campaign case

Written by Tomo KUBOTA