The keywords of UX (User Experience Design) and Omni-Channel attract great public attention. However, we are just getting started compared to other countries abroad so it is time to challenge.
Meanwhile, users’ lifestyles have dramatically changed as well as the media, channel, and the data we can acquire have become complicated.
In order to create brand values with users, it is important to design a series of emotional experience at every touchpoint with the combination of SNS, owned media, paid media, real stores and others.
Directors of communications argue that:
- How do we get started with UX and Omni-Channel?
- How do we overcome division barriers?
We will discuss and share:
- The approach for UX, Customer Journey and Design thinking promoted by IDEO
- Utilization of big data in real time
- Essential Omni-Channel
presented by IDEO, Netyear Group and Hotlink that have promoted various innovation projects.